Care to go through? It will do you good.
Whoever has not wanted to be a success in life is a story you always miss to spot. The rat race and the cut-throat competition, and standing up to the "expectations" dries you up so much, that after your streak with "success" is over, you are no better than a gnarled and withered branch bearing as much as no fruit.
Do you need a hero to emulate? Your search for that-One-outstanding-role-model stands you disillusioned and disarrayed, in a state of need? Check. Look within. Have there been times when your hero let you down? Have there been times when you felt betrayed by what he did? You looked up to this one as your ideal idol, all along you thought he was right, until this time? Have you been hiding under the cloak that doesn't belong to you? "What do I mean?", You ask.
Answer this, what would you do with somebody else's cloak, would you use it as your second skin if you knew he wore it everyday, never washed it up, so to say? No?? Well good!! then why would you want to be what others are? Don't you love yourself enough to put to the guillotine what is 'YOU'?
Do you like what you see, everytime you look into the mirror? NO? What would make you like it...a fairer skin? a tighter body? a smile as sweet as you-know-whose? a little more money? a swanky car? the American dream? a friend who loved you inspite of...? What?!
What is it that makes you feel insecure, insignificant, unwanted, accidental, a bag of flesh strewn over some bones? Why is it that you have stopped dreaming your own dreams? Why are you living-off the dreams of others? What makes you feel you can't do it?
Have you ever thought ,"It is too big a dream I'm not rightly equipped to sustain." YES!?!! Then I must quickly assure you that this is your dream. Yes! You heard me rightly. THIS IS YOUR DREAM. Only YOU can chase it. So GO! Drop the skin you are not supposed to put-on, after all you got one of your own! Wear it Rightly, Wear it Proudly. Let the world know that you ARE comfortable in your skin.
After all, one size never fits all!
Bless You.
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