Friday, October 03, 2008

The Woman...who could not be!

I could see he longing
In the mother’s misty eyes
As she though what the day held for her
There used to be dreams, so many dreams
She always saw for her little child
But she soon realized that “it” would die.

It’s all about love
And not ‘human sacrifice’
Of! Why cannot you see
Come on open up your eyes
To the ‘human sacrifice’
To the ‘human sacrifice’ of this girl child.

Ma, I wanted to bloom,
But you plucked me dry
Expecting a boy, rejecting a girl
Is it a womb or a bloody hell?

Pa, open up your eyes
Ma, feel me under your skin
I want love, I want to love
I want to live to see the day.

TM often says,“It takes more than your gonads to BE a "MAN" !” In the light of what TM says, does it really matter who is born? A Boy or a far as "It's" born Living, and the parents have enough strength? Hush! I din't talk about money to raise "that" bundle up!
See I'm not a Feminist or A Male-Basher. I'm just being a social commentator. The world may seduce us to think that "times-are-a-changin' " but this vice still exists.

Bless you

P.S. Dave Barry, "If a woman has to choose between catching a fly ball and saving an infant's life, she will choose to save the infant's life without even considering if there are men on base."

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