Thursday, October 23, 2008

The Portrait of An Unknown Self

The wind blows and you look through the window
Your eyes meet a face you never seem to have seen before
A man with golden furrows, and a long flowing beard
Stooping forward beyond his age
He doesn’t seem to be someone you ever have gotten to know
He plods around as soon as you scuffle
But you are unperturbed, nothing bothers…… (for now)
Amid the crackling of the leaves, you hear a strange sound
You turn around but it is gone.
He returns, looks into your face
And his gaze is fixed on you
You watch, as his countenance fades to pale blue
A paleness even death would shudder to embrace
Slowly but certainly, a strange fear seems to have snaked in (My word)
You are dismayed, and start to see his pain
His brows sink, and form a wave as on an ocean shore
You move closer, and he seems to be fading out
You step up your pace and he seems to have disappeared!

You are crestfallen; on the ground; truth strikes,
Today was no better than yesterday.
You realize you have missed him again,
But you know this has been ever since you saw him first,
Your own self has eluded you…….

You wave goodbye…….”If this is death….it sure is familiar, than the one I never could know!”

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